Abuja City Design:

Biomimicry Principles applied to the design of a new city in Nigeria.

Abuja City Design:

Biomimicry Principles applied to the design of a new city in Nigeria.

Design Challenge: How do we create an abundant and flourishing city in Abuja, that functions like a mature ecosystem by creating a circular metabolism, weblike food chains, a high diversity of species, adaptive decentralised infrastructure; focused on creating cooperative relationships and underpinned by good quality feedback loops of information? Our team participated in biomimicry processes for this concept design. The resulting concept design is a blueprint for designing cities that function like ecosystems and meet many of Biomimicry Life's Principles...

Design Challenge: How do we create an abundant and flourishing city in Abuja, that functions like a mature ecosystem by creating a circular metabolism, weblike food chains, a high diversity of species, adaptive decentralised infrastructure; focused on creating cooperative relationships and underpinned by good quality feedback loops of information? Our team participated in biomimicry processes for this concept design. The resulting concept design is a blueprint for designing cities that function like ecosystems and meet many of Biomimicry Life's Principles...

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